Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program

The Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program is a State grant program that provides funding to Maryland public institutions of higher education and regional higher education centers to support efforts to address food insecurity among students on Maryland campuses.

Purpose: The purpose of the Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program is to:

  • Address student hunger.​
  • Leverage more sustainable solutions to address basic food needs on campus.
  • Raise awareness of services currently offered on campus that address basic food needs.
  • B​uild strategic partnerships at the local, state, and national levels to address food insecurity among students.

Authorization: Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article, Subtitle 17. Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program, §§ 11-1701 through 11-1706.

Eligibility: To be eligible for funding, Maryland public institutions of higher education and regional higher education centers must (1) be designated as a hunger-free campus AND (2) pledge a matching contribution to be used to implement the goals of the program.

Funding: The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) will award grant funding to any Maryland public institution of higher education or regional higher education center (RHEC) that has been designated as a hunger-free campus and pledges a 25% matching contribution to be used to implement the goals of the program. FY 2025 awards will total $150,000.

​Grant Period: September 2024 – September 2025

Application Due Date: Monday, September 9, 2024 by 4:00 PM

HFC Grant Program RFA 2025.pdf​​

Appendix A (PDF)                       Appendix A (Word)

Appendix B (PDF)                       Appendix B (Word)

Appendix​ C (PDF)                      Appendix C (Word)

Interim Report Form.doc

Interim Report Form.pdf

Budget Summary.xls

Budget Summary.pdf

For additional information, please contact Anthony Reiner at ​