Private Career School (PCS) Market Demand Program Alerts

Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13B.01.01.05(A)(1)(d) requires that program applications "provide evidence of market demand."

The Maryland Higher Education Commission’s (MHEC) responsibility to private career school students is consumer protection. A private career school’s responsibility to its students is to train them for available jobs. Graduates must have reasonable expectations that a sufficient number of local job openings exist for their chosen occupation.  If the occupation's job market is already flooded with job seekers, then it is questionable whether there is a need for additional training programs.  Without "evidence of market demand", the program cannot be approved.

Maryland workforce supply and demand data for the following programs show that there is limited or no job market demand for graduates of these programs.  Given the following data, potential applicants would need to consider either an alternative program offering that would meet the regulatory requirement for market demand, or include with the application additional materials from employers to document that the current supply of applicants is insufficient to meet employer hiring needs. 

The Maryland Higher Education Commission (or Career & Workforce Education unit) respectfully requests entities not submit initial applications from September 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023. 

During this period of time, the staff will be engaged in the Annual Report review process and finalizing applications in process to ensure more timely responses for the upcoming calendar year.


Please note:

          Approved institutions may submit program modifications and should report any urgent institution changes that require notification and/or approval.


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