Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship – Registered Apprenticeship Program and Non-Credit Courses


An applicant is eligible for a Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship if the applicant:

  • Is eligible for in–state tuition as determined by the community college in accordance with Education Article, Title 15, Annotated ​Code​;
  • Enrolls at a community college in Maryland within two (2)  years after graduating from a high school or successfully completing a GED in the state:
    • in a sequence of credit or non-credit courses that leads to licensure or certification; or
    • is participating in a registered apprenticeship program;
  • Has earned an overall high school cumulative grade point average of at least 2.3 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent at the end of the first semester of the senior year in high school;
  • Has an annual adjusted gross income of not more than:
  • $100,000 if the applicant is single or resides in a single–parent household; or
  • $150,000 if the applicant is married or resides in a two–parent 20 household;
  • Has not earned a bachelor’s or associate degree; and
  • Has not been awarded another educational grant or scholarship that covers the applicant’s full cost of attendance at the community college. 


Eligible Campus Site:

Eligible applicants must attend the community college located in their county, or in the case of a regional community college, the region in which they live. However, if the community college located where the student lives does not offer the degree or program in which they enrolled, the student may attend any other Maryland community college that offers that program. Additionally, eligible applicants may use the scholarship to attend a community college that has on-campus residential facilities for students.

How to Apply:

An individual must:

Please Note: Applicants that completed and listed a community college on their FAFSA or MSFAA will be notified by email of the required documentation to submit for further consideration of the Promise Scholarship. Applicants can also login to their MDCAPS and check their “To Do List” for a complete listing of all required documentation.  

IMPORTANT: Students enrolled in credited courses who have already completed the FAFSA or MSFAA by March 1st, should not complete the Promise Apprenticeship – Non-Credit Inquiry Form.


  • Any student financial aid, other than a student loan, received by the recipient will be applied to the recipient’s tuition before the calculation of any award amount.
  • Students are eligible to receive an award of up to $5,000 per year to cover any remaining tuition and mandatory fee expenses at the community college after all other non-loan aid has been applied.
  • Initial awards will be provided to recipients based on greatest demonstrated financial need as determined by OSFA.

Renewing an Award:

The Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship is renewable for up to two years as long as the student remains qualified by:

  • Applying annually MHEC by the established deadline;
  • Continuing to be eligible for in–state tuition;
  • Continuing to enroll in and complete a sequence of credit or non-credit courses that lead to licensure or certification; or
  • Participates in a registered apprenticeship program;
  • Making satisfactory progress toward a vocational certificate, a certificate, or an associate’s degree;
  • Continuing to participate in a registered apprenticeship program;
  • Continuing to meet the income limitations; and
  • Continuing to submit the FAFSA or MSFAA by March 1.

Service Obligation Requirements:

Recipients of the Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship Program must sign an agreement to work full-time within one year after:

  • Earning the vocational certificate, certificate, or associate’s degree;
  • Completing a sequence of non-credit  courses that lead to licensure or certification; or
  • Completing a registered apprenticeship program.

The recipient must continue to use an address in the State as reported on the recipient’s State income tax return and maintain employment for at least 1 year for each year the scholarship was awarded.

If the student fails to fulfill the service obligation and secure employment, the award will convert into a loan payable to the state.

Deferment of the Service Obligation Requirements:

A recipient of the Promise scholarship can defer their service obligation requirement as follows:

  • Enrolled full-time (12 or more credits per semester) or part-time (6-11 credits per semester) in a credit-bearing course of study at any post-secondary institution;
  • If the recipient has earned at least 48 credits while enrolled at the community college and transfers to a 4-year institution before earning a degree;
  • On a temporary leave of absence, approved by the employer in the required employment field, for a period not to exceed 12 months;
  • Temporarily disabled, as determined by a licensed physician, in a manner that substantially impairs the recipient’s ability to perform the service obligation, for a period not to exceed 3 years;
  • Unable to maintain employment, for a period not to exceed 12 months, because the recipient must care for a spouse or child who is disabled;
  • Assigned military duty outside of the State, not to exceed 3 years without filing an appeal; or
  • Married to a spouse assigned military duty outside of the State, not to exceed 3 years without filing an appeal.

Promise Apprenticeship-Non-credited Inquiry Form.pdf