Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Foster Care Recipients


​The 2023-2024 MLARP Foster Care Application is Open ​ Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Foster Care Recipients provides state assistance in the repayment of educational loans owed by foster care recipients who are employed by the state, or by a county or municipality of the state, and who received a graduate or undergraduate degree from an institution of higher education in the state.

Who May Appl​y?

A former foster care recipient ​employed​ by a state, county or municipality government who has also graduated from an institution of higher education in Maryland.

How To Apply?

Submit the 2023-2024 MLARP Foster Care Online Application by clicking the link below:

MLARP Foster Care Application

Applicants must complete and submit the online application and all required documentation by the applicable deadline. 

All required documents must be uploaded and submitted in the online application.  Incomplete and late applications will be denied.

Required Documents:

​Renewal Requirements

Awards are automatically renewed on an annual basis for up to a maximum of three (3) years if the annual employment, lender, and tax documentation is received by the deadline each year that the student is receiving funding. Failure to submit required documentation by the deadline or failure to report changes in employment status throughout the service/award years will make the student ineligible for the award.

Click for more information on the condition of award​.  


Important Deadlines

     ·        December 1 - application and all required documentation due. 


Employment Obligation

Each recipient offered an award must sign and return an employment obligation agreement stating they will remain employed by the state or a county or municipality of the state for at least one (1) year after the terms of the award expire. ​

Prior service obligations from other state scholarships must be completed before applying. One position cannot fulfill two service obligations simultaneously. If a recipient holds multiple service obligations, the obligations must be served in consecutive years.

For more information concerning the Maryland Loan Assistance Program for Foster Care Recipients, click on the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Guide.