Charles W. Riley Firefighter and Ambulance and Rescue Squad Member Scholarship Program

 ​​The 2025-2026 application is open.


The Charles W. Riley Firefighter and Ambulance and Rescue Squad Member Scholarship Program encourages members of the fire-fighting, ambulance, and rescue organizations serving Maryland communities to pursue credited courses that lead to a degree in fire service technology, emergency medical technology, fire service management, or public safety administration with a minor or concentration in fire service technology or fire service management.

Who may apply?

Actively engaged career or volunteer firefighters, ambulance or rescue squad members. Actively engaged is defined as either:

  • A volunteer member within a county or municipality that operates Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP), who has recorded at least 50 LOSAP points as part of a fire, ambulance, or rescue squad in the tax year prior to the award year, and the points have been earned in at least two different categories; or within a county or municipality that does not operate LOSAP, has recorded at least 50 points under the point system established by the county or municipality to identify active members as part of a fire, ambulance, or rescue squad in the tax year prior to the award year, and the points have been earned in at least two different categories, OR
  • A career member who has worked a minimum of 1,000 hours as part of a fire, ambulance, or rescue squad in the tax year prior to the award year.

How do I apply?

For consideration of the scholarship, an applicant must:

  • Individuals applying for the Charles W. Riley Firefighter and Ambulance and Rescue Squad Member Scholarship application online through the Maryland College Aid Processing System (MDCAPS) via the MHEC One App.
  • Provide proof of official acceptance in a program of fire service technology, emergency medical technology, fire service management, or public safety administration with a minor or concentration in fire service technology or fire service management.
  • Submit a completed notarized form from an eligible employer confirming active employment or volunteer service.

Important Deadlines

  • The application for the 2025-2026 academic year is now closed.
  • The application for the upcoming 2025-2026 academic year will become available March 1, 2025 and will close April 1, 2026.

Selection of Recipients

Eligible applicants who are renewals will be given priority over initial applicants. Within these groups, applicants will be ranked and awarded according to the submission date of their completed online application form.

Applicants who are not selected will be placed on the waitlist pending the availability of funding. Applicants not selected in an academic year must reapply for consideration in a subsequent academic year, and will be ranked according to the submission date of their completed online application form.

Award Amount
An annual award shall be at least 50 percent of the student’s actual annual tuition and mandatory fees at an eligible institution. The award may not exceed the annual tuition and mandatory fees of a resident undergraduate student at a 4-year public institution within the University System of Maryland, other than the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) and the ​University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB).

​Service Obligation Requirement

A recipient is required to serve for one (1) year as a volunteer or career firefighter or ambulance or rescue squad member, in a full-time or part-time capacity, of an organized fire department or ambulance or rescue squad in the State after completion of an eligible program.

Each applicant offered an award must sign and return a promissory note agreeing to begin fulfillment of the service obligation as a career or volunteer firefighter or ambulance or rescue squad member for which the award was received within one year of completing the degree for which they received assistance. The service obligation begins after completion of the degree program and cannot be fulfilled prior to completion.

If a recipient holds this scholarship with any other State award requiring a service obligation, the obligations must be served in consecutive years.

The program regulations are currently being revised to eliminate the required FAFSA submission.  These regulations will be updated to reflect the changes in the near future. 

Renewal Requirements

Conditions of Award

View the Freque​ntly Asked Questions 

​​The Charles W. Riley Firefighter and Ambulance an Rescue Squad Member Scholarship program have been published online under the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR).​