There are four statutory advisory councils that were established by law and are to meet periodically for the purpose of reviewing such matters as are referred by the Commission or the Secretary. They may also make reports and recommendations to the Commission. The Commission is given the authority by law to create additional advisory councils to address specific needs.
Statutory Advisory Councils
- Faculty Advisory Council: Membership includes faculty from Maryland’s colleges and universities.
MHEC Staff Contact: Dr. Emily A.A. Dow
- Mental Health Advisory Committee:
MHEC Staff Contact: Dr. Emily A.A. Dow
- Student Advisory Council: Membership includes student representatives from all Maryland colleges and universities. The Council meets monthly to discuss current issues in higher education and provide a student voice to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
MHEC Staff Contact: Dr. Emily A.A. Dow
- Segmental Advisory Council: Membership includes the chief executive officers of each segment. They meet monthly, react to matters brought to them by the Secretary, and refer questions and concerns to the Secretary.
MHEC Staff Contact: Dr. Emily A.A. Dow
- Financial Assistance Advisory Council: Membership includes fifteen members representing all segments of higher education, school counselors, the Student Advisory Council, and the community-at-large. The Council meets periodically to review and discuss student financial aid issues and make recommendations to the Commission.
MHEC Staff Contact: Al Dorsett
- Advisory Council on Workforce Shortage
MHEC Staff Contact: Dr. Emily A.A. Dow
- Maryland Fire-Rescue Education Training Commission
- Program Review Process Advisory Council
Commission Advisory Councils
Student Transfer Advisory Council: Membership includes thirteen members representing all segments of postsecondary education, the Faculty Advisory Council, and the Maryland State Department of Education. Ex-officio members include the Director of Articulation for the University System of Maryland and the Secretary of Higher Education or the Secretary’s designated representative, who serves as Chair of the Council. The Student Transfer Advisory Council is created by the Commission to review transfer issues and recommend policy changes as needed. The Council reports annually to the Secretary on the status of transfer and articulation in Maryland.
View the Student Guide to Transfer among Maryland Colleges and Universities