The Maryland Higher Education Commission serves as the state's regulator of private career schools (PCS). It sets academic and financial standards and takes legal action when necessary to protect students. No private career school may operate in Maryland without Commission approval. Maryland has over 150 private career schools from which to choose that offer everything from cosmetology to medical imaging. If your goal is to get into the allied health field, you can find training in one of dozens of Maryland private career schools. If you are interested in the beauty/personal appearance field, Maryland has more than 30 related private career schools. The bottom line is there is a private career school to suit many different interests. On this site, you will find a list of Maryland’s private career schools. You will also find out how to open a private career school, information on closed private career schools and outcomes for each approved program, which includes enrollment, completion rate and pass rate of graduates on any licensure examination.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) web pages contain the Maryland Eligible Training Provider List of Occupational Training eligible for funding through the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. This State List includes almost 500 occupational programs offered by over 75 institutions (community colleges, 4-year colleges and universities, private career schools, and other training providers). The State List also identifies over 50 pre-vocational Adult Education and Literacy activities overseen by the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation.