The Maryland Fire-Rescue Education and Training Commission (MFRETC) is a division of the Maryland Higher Education Commission subject to the authority of the Secretary of Higher Education. It is composed of 13 members who are appointed by the Governor of Maryland with the advice and consent of the Senate. MFRETC members represent members of the State's various segments of emergency services, in addition to one member who represents the general public at large. The Governor designates the Chairman.
The primary objective of all fire, rescue and emergency medical related services is to protect life and property. The MFRETC has the responsibility of overseeing education and training activities for Maryland's emergency services personnel who provide such services.
Created by legislative mandate to be the State-level coordinating agency for the education and training of Maryland's emergency services, the MFRETC assures that those responsible for the delivery of these offerings have the best possible programs. This is accomplished by coordinating State, county and municipal education and training systems by establishing minimum standards, and by promoting high quality education and training. The MFRETC provides focus for developing and maintaining an emergency services State Master Plan, assists with program approval activities, and works to improve emergency services education, training and certification systems. Educational institutions that are part of the system include universities, colleges, the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems, county service academies, municipal academies, fire departments, and rescue squads. This relationship recognizes that the responsibilities of the MFRETC are a part of the postsecondary education and training mission of the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Maryland Fire-Rescue Education & Training Commission Membership
Career Member
Career Academic Instructor
Career Member
Career Member & Instructor
Volunteer Member
Volunteer Member
Volunteer Member & Instructor
Volunteer Member and Instructor
Career Member
Public Member
Volunteer Member
Volunteer Member & Instructor
Career Member