Student Transfer Advisory Committee

​The Maryland Higher Education Commission is given the authority by law to create advisory committees to address specific needs. The Student Transfer Advisory Committee was created by the Commission to review transfer issues and recommend policy changes as needed. The Council reports annually to the Secretary on the status of transfer and articulation in Maryland.

Membership includes thirteen members representing all segments of postsecondary education, the Faculty Advisory Council, and the Maryland State Department of Education. Ex-officio members include the Director of Articulation for the University System of Maryland and the Secretary of Higher Education or the Secretary's designated representative, who serves as Chair of the Committee.

  • ARTSYS- T​he Articulation System
    Developed in 1988 by the University System of Maryland for use on PCs, the ARTSYS program has now been web-enabled to provide wider access to this invaluable advising tool. The program provides advisors and students the ability to search for course equivalencies, recommended transfer programs, majors, and more.​ ​
          2020 Meeting Dates (Location):
  • January 6, 1-1:30 (Conference Call)
  • Additional dates to be determined and will be posted here 

Emily A.A. Dow, Ph.D.
Assistant Secretary for Academic Affairs​