Program Review Process Advisory Council Members


​Name and Title
Institution​Term Expires
The Chancellor of the University System of Maryland or designee
Jay Perman, Chancellor
​University System of Maryland
The President of the Maryland Association of Community Colleges or designee​Brad Phillips, Executive Director
​Maryland Association of Community Colleges

The President of the  Maryland Independent College and University Association or designee​Matt Power, Executive Director
​Maryland Independent College and University Association
​The President of Morgan State University or designee
David Wilson, President
Morgan State University
​The President of St. Mary's College of Maryland or designee
​Katherine Gantz, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty
​St. Mary's College of Maryland

​From the senior public higher education institutions, 2 presidents and 2 provosts from 4 different schools
Senior Public President 1​Heidi Anderson, President
​University of Maryland Easten Shore
​December 31, 2028
Senior Public President 2​Mark Ginsburg, President
​Towson University

​December 31, 2026
Senior Public Provost 1​Roger Ward, Provost
​University of Maryland, Baltimore
​December 31, 2028
Senior Public Provost 2​Manfred H. M. van Dulmen, Provost
​University of Maryland, Baltimore County
​December 31, 2026
​From the community colleges, 2 presidents and 2 provosts, from 4 different schools
Community College President 1​Daria Willis, President
​Howard Community College
​December 31, 2028
Community College President 2​Falecia Williams, President
​Prince George's Community College
​December 31, 2026
Community College Provost 1​Christy Dryer, Provost
​Cecile College

​December 31, 2028
Community College Provost 2​Tanya Millner, Provost
​Anne Arundel Community College
​December 31, 2026
​​From the private nonprofit institutions of higher education, 2 presidents and 2 provosts from 4 different schools that are full members of the Maryland Independent College and University Association
Private Nonprofit President 1
​Marylou Yam, President
​Notre Dame University of Maryland
​December 31, 2028
Private Nonprofit President 2
​Julia Jasken, President
McDaniel College

​December 31, 2026
​Private Nonprofit Provost 1
​Stephen Gange, Provost
Johns Hopkins University
​December 31, 2028
​Privat​e Nonprofit Provost 2
​Elaine Meyer-Lee, Provost
​Goucher College

​December 31, 2026
4 individuals who may be faculty, department heads, deans, academic program directors or coordinators, governing boards, or institutional attorneys, from 4 schools that are not represented by a president or provost in seats 6-17​ ​ ​
​At-large Representative 1

​December 31, 2028
​At-large Representative 2
​December 31, 2026
At-large Representative 3
​December 31, 2028
At-large Representative 4

​December 31, 2026