Interactive Data Dashboards

The Maryland Higher Education Commission’s data dashboards provide State policymakers, campus administrators, and the general public with a statistical snapshot of postsecondary education in Maryland. The list below contains dashboards on such topics as enrollment, degrees, faculty and staff, private career schools, student outcomes and other data

Select the link for a chosen topic and the dashboard will launch. From there, each dashboard provides instructions on how to best navigate the sections and the features within. Each dashboard provid​es downloadable data tables so users can still access the data in a printable and manipulatable format, if needed. Data dashboards are updated regularly, as data become available.


This page is best viewed on a laptop or a desktop computer.​

​​Dashboar​d Title​​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​Click t​o Launch 

Comparat​​​ive Statistics

Includes statewide and segment-level data on key ​higher education metrics among public and state-aided independent institutions, comparing Maryland’s performance to the nation’s.


​December 2024​

Degrees and Credit-Bearing Certificates

Features institutional segment-level data on degrees and credit-bearing certificates awarded by public and state-aided independent institutions in a given year. Data can be filtered by major and race/ethnicity and gender of recipients. 

December 2024​

Degree Progress Analysis

Presents institution-level data on progress toward degree completion of community college students. Data for five cohorts are included. The Degree Progress Analysis (DPA) is a model used to report the progress toward degree completion of community college students and incorporates developmental education needs and completion, interim measures of success, and transfer to other institutions including private and out-of-state institutions as indicators of progress.  

December 2024


Features institution-level data on credit headcount enrollment in public and state-aided independent institutions in a given year. Data can be disaggregated by year and a number of student characteristics. 

May 2024
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Faculty and Staff

Presents institutional and segment-level data on faculty and staff employed by public institutions in a given fall. Data can be filtered by year, full-/part-time status, academic rank, staff role, race/ethnicity, and gender. 

September 2024

Financial Aid

Includes institution-level data on undergraduate financial aid recipients and awards among public and state-aided independent institutions. Data can be filtered by fiscal year and aid source. 

September 2024

Opening Fall Enrollment

Provides preliminary segment-level data on enrollment in public and state-aided independent institutions in the fall of the most recent academic year, as wel​l as a ten-year trend line of overall enrollment. Updated annually.

December 2024

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Pell Grant

Includes data on Pell grant recipients attending public and state-aided independent institutions. Data are presented both as multi-year trend lines and single-year visuals, and can be filtered by institution, segment and academic level (undergraduate vs. graduate).

FY2023 Pell Grant Recipients Rates in Maryland Colleges and Universities

Memo | Excel​

August 2024

Private Career Schools

Conveys institution-level data on registered private career schools. Data can be filtered by year and training type.

July 2024 

Presents segment- and institution-level data on first-time students assessed as needing remediation in Maryland public institutions. Includes multi-year trend lines showing the proportion of students assessed as needing remediation, as well as visuals comparing these students' demographics and outcomes (credit accumulation, graduation, and transfer) to those of their counterparts.
October 2024

Retention and Graduation - Four-Year Institutions

Presents institution-level data on retention and graduation rates among public four-year and state-aided independent institutions. Data are presented as multi-year trend lines and can be filtered by race/ethnicity and gender. Outcomes for Pell Grant recipients are also included.

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Retention, Graduation, and Transfer - Community College

Presents institution-level data on retention, graduation, and transfer rates among community college students. Data are presented as multi-year trend lines and can be filtered by race/ethnicity and gender. Outcomes for Pell Grant recipients are also included.

October 2024 

Revenues & Expenditures

Includes segment-level data on public institutions’ annual revenues, expenditures, FTE enrollment, and capital budget expenditures, as well as state aid to independent institutions. Revenues and expenditures data can be disaggregated by institution, revenue source, and expenditure areas.

February 2025
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Students Completing Workforce Training

Includes institution-level data from community colleges on the Workforce Training Completions System within a given year. Data can be filtered by year, course characteristics, and student characteristics.

August 2024
​​Teacher Preparation in Maryland Institutions

Includes multi-year data on students who complete Maryland-approved teacher preparation programs at four-year institutions in the State. Data can be filtered by year. 

July 2024 

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Tuition and Fees

Presents data on tuition and fees in public institutions. Data are presented as multi-year trend lines and can be filtered by student residency status. 


December 2024

2022 Fac​ulty Equity Dashboard

Features data on demographics and salary of faculty members employed by public institutions. Includes data from 2015 to 2021. Data can be filtered by segment, faculty rank, and field of teaching.

November 2022


2022 Regional Higher Education Centers Dashboard ​

Includes institution-level data from  Regional Higher Education Centers in Maryland, including undergraduate student demographics, academics, and places of residency. 


2021 Admission Dashboard ​

This Admissions Dashboard provides a snapshot of Fall 2021 admissions data from Maryland's public four-year institutions. The dashboard answers questions tied to those who apply for admission, as well as those students who are accepted and enroll, with a focus on race/ethnicity, gender, and Maryland residency.


2022 Cost of Attendance Dashboard

This Cost of Attendance dashboard provides a snapshot of the cost to attend college across public and state-aided independent institutions across Maryland for the academic year 2021-2022. ​


2022 Distance Education Dashboard

Includes segment-level data on distance education activity in public and state-aided independent institutions during 2021 and 2022. Data can be filtered by year. 

October 2023

