
Office of Research and Policy Analysis Archives

This page contains archived policy studies, information reports, annual reports, and publications prepared by the Division.



The Data Book provides information about student preparation, enrollment, completion, demographics, affordability, financing, degrees attained, and revenues and expenditures across Maryland postsecondary institutions.

2017​  |  2016​  |  2015​  |  2014  |  2013​​​  |  ​2012  |  2011​  ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​|  ​​2010  |  2009  |  2008   |  2007  |  2006  |  2005  | 2004 

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Opening Fall Enrollment

This report highlights preliminary data on fall enrollment submitted by Maryland colleges and universities.

2017  | 2016​  |  2015  |  2014​  | 2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008  |  2007  |  2006  |  2005  | 2004  | 2003  | 2002 

Enrollment by Place of Residence

This report provides information concerning the places of residence of students enrolled in Maryland institutions of higher education during the fall of the chosen year. 

2018 ​2017  |  ​2016 ​ |  2015​  |  2014  |  2013  |  2012​  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  | 2008

Trends in Enrollment by Program

This report provides trend data on enrollment, grouped by program in which the student is enrolled.

2019​ | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015​ | 2014  |  2013​  |  2012​  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008

Trends in Enrollment by Race and Gender

This report provides trend data on student enrollment, grouped by race and gender.

2021 - Statewide Report (PDF) | Statewide Data (Excel)
Segment Report (PDF)​ | Segment Data (Excel)

2020 - Statewide Report (PDF) | Statewide Data (Excel)
Segment Report (PDF) | Segment Data (Excel)

2019 - Statewide Report (PDF) | Statewide Data (Excel)
Segment Report (PDF) | Segment Data (Excel)

2018 | 2017 ​| 2016  |  ​2015​  |  2014​  |  2013​  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008

Enrollment Projections

This report provides perspective to higher education policy discussions at the state level, including facilities planning, tuition and fees issues, articulation, funding priorities, and retention and graduation rates.

2019-2028 | ​2018-2027  ​|  2017-2026​​  |  2016-2025​  |  2015-2024​  |  2014-2023​  |  2013-2022  |  2012-2021   |   2011-2020   |   2010-2019   |   2009-2018   |   2008-2017


Trends in Degrees and Certificates By Program

This report provides trend data on degree and certificate completion, grouped by each program exited.

2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015  |  2014  |  2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008

Trends in Degrees and Certificates By Race and Gender

This report provides trend data on student degree and certificate completion, grouped by race and gender.

2021 - Statewide Report (PDF) | Statewide Data (Excel)

2021 - Segment Report (PDF) | Segment Data (Excel)

2018 | 2017 | 2016 ​| 2015  |  ​2014​  |  2013  |  2012​  |  2011  |  2010  |   2009  |    2008 ​

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Maryland Community Colleges

This report provides retention, graduation, and transfer rates for first-time, full-time students entering Maryland community colleges. The report includes information on student outcomes between one and four years following matriculation.

2015​2014  |  2013  |  2012   |   2011   |   2010  |  2009  |  2008  |  2007  |  2006  |  2005  |  2003 

Maryland Four-Year Institutions

This report presents data on the retention and graduation rates of first-time, full-time undergraduate students who initially enroll at public four-year colleges and universities in the state of Maryland. The graduation trends in this report include undergraduate students who persisted at and graduated from the campus at which they initially enrolled, as well as those who transferred to and then graduated from any of the four-year colleges or universities, including independent institutions, in Maryland.

2015​2014​  |  2013  |  2012   |  2011   |  2010   |  2009  |  2008  |  2007  |  2006  |  2005  | 2003 

Performance of Community College Transfer Students at Public Four-Year Colleges and Universities

This report is composed of a set of tables showing, by campus, the performance of students who were enrolled at a Maryland community college, who later transferred to a Maryland public four-year institution.

2009  |  2008  | 2007  |  2006  |  2005  |  2004  |  1993-2002 

 Undergraduate Transfers Among Maryland Public Institutions

This report is composed of a set of tables showing, by campus, the undergraduate students who were enrolled in Maryland public colleges, who later transferred to another Maryland public college.

2017-2018​2016-2017​2015-2016​  |  2014-2015​ |   ​​2013-2014​  |  2012-2013​  |  2011-2012  |  2010-2011  |  ​​2009-2010  |  2008-2009   |  2007-2008  |  2006-2007   |  2005-2006  |  2004-2005  |  2003-2004  |  2002-2003  ​

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The Performance Accountability Report (PAR) focuses its analysis on three key higher education issues of affordability, closing the achievement gap, and degree progression and completion.

2018 - Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
2017 - Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
2016 - Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
2015 - Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
2014Vol. 1​   |    Vol. 2
2013 - Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
2012 - Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
2011 - Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
2010Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
​2009 - Vol. 1   |    Vol. 2
2008Community Colleges
           Public Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities
           Research Universities
           List of Indicators and Definitions
2007 - Vol. 1
           Community Colleges
           Public Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities
           Research Universities
           List of Indicators and Definitions
2006 - Vol. 1   |   Vol. 2
2005 - Vol. 1   |   Vol. 2​
2004 - Vol. 1   |   Vol. 2
2003 - Vol. 1   |   Vol. 2
2002 - Vol. 1​​   |   Vol. 2

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The Financial Aid Information System (FAIS) provides financial aid recipients, and the amounts of aid they receive during each academic year.

2017-2018 Segment Report (PDF), Segment Data (Excel), Institution Report (PDF), Institution Data ​(Exel) | 2016-2017​ | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015  | ​ 2013-2014​  |  2012-2013​  |  2011-2012  |  2010-2011  |  2009-2010  |  2008-2009  |  2007-2008  |  2006-2007​  | 2005-2006  | 2004-2005  | 2003-2004  | 2002-2003  | 2001-2002​ ​​




This report tracks Maryland's progress toward having at least 55% of its residents age 25-64 holding at least one degree credential by 2025.

2018​2017  |  2016​  |  2015  |  2014  -  Appendix​  |  2012  -  Appendix


Community Colleges

Every three years, the Maryland Higher Education Commission conducts a follow-up survey of community college certificate and associate degree graduates a year after they have completed their program. The report generated from this survey provides information on completers’ perceptions of the quality of their institutional experience, post-graduation educational and employment statuses, and other related outcomes.

2006  |  2004 - Report   Data Tables  

Student Outcome and Achievement Reports

This report continues to serve as the Maryland Higher Education Commission’s response to the General Assembly’s 1988 charge to improve information to high schools and local school systems concerning the performance of their graduates at the college level.

2006  |  2005  |  2002 

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reports

This analysis is conducted periodically to review the assessment of undergraduate student learning at Maryland public colleges and universities. Because of the wide range of missions and student populations at Maryland institutions, there are no common standards for student outcomes. For this reason, institutions are expected to demonstrate how assessment of learning leads to improvements in teaching and learning, rather than demonstrating student progress toward a specific target.

2006  |  2002 ​

Minority Achievement Report

This report provides information about the progress public colleges and universities have made in the recruitment and retention of minority students, faculty, and professional staff.


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Survey of College Plans of Maryland High Ability Students

This report examines the results of the survey of high ability students who graduated from a Maryland high school to learn about their college plans.  The report examines the results of that survey.

2005  |  1999  |  1997

Analysis of Financial Aid Distributed to Undergraduates at Maryland Public Colleges and Universities by Academic Year

This report provides a profile of undergraduates at Maryland' public two and four-year colleges and universities who received financial aid. It examines their demographic characteristics and analyzes the distribution of financial aid among students from different economic backgrounds.


Financial Need of Undergraduate Aid Recipients at Maryland's Colleges and Universities by Academic Year

This report presents information relevant to the issue of affordability of Maryland's colleges and universities, and particularly whether the financial needs of low and moderate income students are being adequately addressed.


Survey on Non-Acceptance or Cancellation of the Maryland Educational Assistance Grant

The purpose of this study is to determine the major factors in the high cancellation rate for the Maryland Educational Assistance Grant (EAG).


Women Students in Maryland Higher Education: Enrollment, Completion, and Employment Trends

This report compares trends in the educational progress of women and men attending Maryland institutions. Data related to enrollment, retention, graduation, degrees and employment outcomes are discussed.


A Comparison of the Retention, Transfer, and Graduation Rates of Need-Based Financial Aid Recipients at Maryland Public Colleges and Universities with Performance of Non-Recipients

The purpose of this analysis was to examine the persistence, graduation and transfer rates of the recipients of an Educational Assistance Grant (EAG) or Guaranteed Access Grant (GAG) at Maryland public colleges and universities compared to students at these campuses who did not receive either of these awards.


Performance of EAG and GAG Award Recipients Based on Length and Amount of Aid

The purpose of this analysis was to examine the persistence, graduation and transfer rates of full-time student who received an Education Assistance Grant (EAG) or Guaranteed Access Grant (GAG) and matriculated during the 1996-1997 academic year.


Survey of the Recipients of Maryland Nursing Scholarships

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the Maryland Nursing Scholarship Program in persuading students to enter and remain in the nursing profession in the State.


Survey of the Recipients of Maryland Teacher Scholarships

This study examines the impact of the Maryland teacher scholarships in persuading students to enter and to remain in the teaching profession. The study analyzes the decisions of students who applied for at least one of the three scholarships and were subsequently offered an award. Six groups of students for each of the three scholarship programs are identified.


Trends in Financial Aid to Students in Maryland Postsecondary Education

This report presents ten-year trends about financial aid awarded to students attending Maryland colleges and universities during the decade of the 1990s.


Study of the Capacity of Teacher Preparation Programs in Maryland

This study examines the capacity of teacher preparation programs at Maryland colleges and universities to increase their production of new teachers. The study analyzes both the supply and demand aspects of the capacity issue in Maryland.


Study on the Place of Employment of Maryland Graduates

This report uses information from a series of follow-up surveys of bachelor's degree recipients and community college graduates. The surveys were conducted one year following graduation over a 20-year period.


Study of the Employment Status of Faculty at Maryland Public Campuses

This report reviews trends in the employment of full and part-time faculty at Maryland's public colleges and universities between 1981 and 1998 amid recession and long-term cost concerns.


Study of the Supply of and Demand for Doctoral Degree Recipients in Maryland

This report examines trends in the applications and admissions of doctoral students and the number of doctoral enrollments and degrees awarded given concerns about the proliferation of doctoral programs and overproduction of Ph.D. recipients.


College / Business Activities Report

This report is intended to highlight the wide variety of ways in which Maryland colleges, universities, and private career schools are serving Maryland firms and organizations with specialized education and training programs.

1999   |  1998

Study of the Supply of and Demand for Law School Graduates in Maryland

This report examines ten-year trends in applications to the State's two law schools. The study also explores the projected need for lawyers in the State through the year 2005, and reviews the results of surveys of graduates from the two law schools regarding employment.


Study of the Effectiveness of "Privatizing" Remedial Services

This report presents the findings of the inquiry about how much remedial education is appropriate at the college level and who should  provide it?  It examines the concept of privatizing or outsourcing remedial education at colleges and universities.


Minority Achievement Report

This report provides information about the progress public colleges and universities have made in the recruitment and retention of minority students, faculty, and professional staff.

2008  |  2005  |  2003  |  2002  |  1999  |  1996​​​​​​​​​​​​

Status of Women Administrators and Other Staff in Maryland Public Higher Education

This study was to determine faculty salary equity, and whether inequities exist due to gender among full-time faculty.


Study of Access to Higher Education Institutions in Maryland

This study examines the degree of access which residents of the various regions of Maryland have to higher education facilities and programs and provides information that can be used to determine whether any of these areas are underserved.


Study of Remedial Education at Maryland Public Campuses

This study includes and examination of the number and type of students who require remediation, the policies and standards used to determine student placement, the success of remedial students and the evaluation of remedial programs, staff for remedial courses, the cost of remedial education, and sources of funding.


Study of the Workforce Needs of Maryland Employees

This study presents the findings of a survey that was examined along with labor market data about the project number of job openings in specific occupational areas, especially those requiring a college education.


Study of Collaborative Projects of Maryland Postsecondary Institutions

This report presents a listing of collaborative activities and programs at Maryland colleges and universities in support of the governor's higher education priorities.


Status of African-American Faculty and Senior Administrators in Maryland Public Higher Education

The purpose of this report is to determine the progress that Maryland public institutions have made in the hiring of African-American faculty and senior administrators between 1985 and 1995.


Status of Women in Maryland Public Higher Education

This report summarizes the progress Maryland institutions have made with regard to the status of women in public postsecondary institutions between 1984 and 1994.


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